population: about 58,000,000 |
area: 68km2 |
capital: Naypyidaw |
language: Burmese |
religion: Buddhism90% Christianity5% Islam4% |
GDP: about $35 bilion |
eco. growth rate: about 8-10% |
currency: kyat (MMK) |
%change in price: about 8-10% |
net export: about $7.2 billion |
net import: about $4 billion |
active areas: agriculture, natural gas, jewelry |
invitation: The government is actively inviting foreign companies. |
taxes: A certain amount or percentage of several taxes will be |
exempted for foreign companies. |
factory: A great deal of fuculty and equipment will be provided for |
companies that have established technologies. |
foreign companies: Companies are entering from across the world. |
licenses: Administered by the government. |